Monthly Archives: September 2024

August 20, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes/Agenda

Auburn Meadows Quarterly Meeting

Aug 27, 2024 – 6:30 p.m.


  1. Call to order – Tom Edwards, President at 6:31PM.
  2. Roll call – Jan Siler
  3. Tom Edwards, President, present; Mimo Youssef, Treasurer, present;  Donna Wissler, At Large, present; Deanie Guston, At Large Villas absent; Mike Smith, At Large – Villas absent; Melissa Falter, At Large Villas present. Jan Siler, Secretary -present
  4. Approval of minutes from last meeting – Jan Siler Mimo made the motion and  Tom seconded to approve. All in favor – passed unanimously
  5. Treasurer’s Report– Mimo Youssef – The treasurer’s report was given to all present. The big repair costs of the last two or three years are behind us. We do not anticipate having large expenses going forward. The playground is being treated with linseed oil to improve the appearance of the equipment.  The need to build back the reserve is still ongoing. The reserve currently will be between $22-25k. The immediate goal is to bring it up to approximately $50k. The ideal goal would be 1 ½ times the annual budget which is $150k. Dues had not been increased for many years and there wasn’t enough in the budget to keep up with maintenance.  This has necessitated increasing the dues the past two years.  The dues will increase, approximately $50, for 2025, which should help stay on track for building back the reserve.  Some items on the wish list for the future are to resod an area where there is no grass in the commons area; restain some areas on the fence backing up to the playground; relevel the playground where it was damaged; trim some trees, increase the Christmas light decorations; upgrade the camera system; install maglocks on the interior door to the pool; replace pool expansion joints. Adding a camera to the front door was suggested. Upgrading outdoor lights would cost about $2000. Perhaps next year  remote lock door equipment could be added to lock the door to the pool. It was suggested to see how the camera aimed at the front door could be adjusted to see the entire front door area. We received some quotes for replacing the playground.  They are out of our price range currently. In the future, we could replace equipment piecemeal so it wouldn’t be such a huge cost at one time. Replacing the playground has several options ranging in price from about $120-180k.
  6. Committee Reports
  7. Pool Maintenance & Operations – Mimo – The pool techs are consistently checking chemicals.  The cleanliness of the pool wasn’t as good as expected because the pool techs typically vacuum later in the day. Their schedule has been adjusted to ensure the cleanliness is better. The new HOA guidance is supposed to come out (from the OKC County Health Dept). Currently we are required to test the pool chemicals four times a day.  This may change next year. It is important that this is done to be compliant with the City. If the City changes the requirement to two times a day, it would be easier to make sure the pool is also vacuumed daily. Individuals are also able to conduct a test of the water, or request one, at any time.
  8. Ground Maintenance Improvements Committee Reports – Mimo
  9. Architectural/Maintenance  – One resident requested approval to add a pergola. He submitted a rendering of the proposed pergola and the Board approved the request.
  10. Communication Committee – Jan Siler – If anyone has news to share with our FB page to let her know. Jan has been added as an admin for the HOA web site. She is becoming familiar with it and will start updating information so those who are not on FB will have current information about happenings in the neighborhood.
  11. Social Committee – Fall Garage Sale Date. September 28 is an away game for OU and OSU.  Pam Ryan proposed, Donna Wissler seconded to have the fall garage sale September 27-28.  Christmas Caroling – Last year there were very few participants.  This year there will be caroling at the clubhouse.  All of the neighbors are welcome to bring chairs and join us.  Refreshments will be served. Date TBD at the November meeting.
  12. Clubhouse Workout equipment – Donna Wissler -The clubhouse still looks fresh after our paint last spring. People are putting weights back where they belong better than in the past.
  13. Old Business – Street Hump – Back in February Tom proposed doing something to help deter speeding on AM Drive. The speed hump costs about $2400.  The City of OKC has a grant for half of this cost.  Tom Edwards offered to pay the balance. The City requires that 66% of the houses, in the block where the speed hump will be located, agree to have it placed. Tom initiated a survey. Donna and Jan delivered surveys to every home in AM and the Villas. Of the surveys returned, 62.5% were in favor of adding a speed hump.  The petition has been submitted to the City of OKC this week.  At this time, there is no time line for installation.  The City of OKC processes the petition, sends it to the City Engineer’s office, and then will inform Tom when the speed hump will be installed.  We have requested the city redo the asphalt for the entire neighborhood.  They came out and did an analysis and determined that our street score is 76%, which is in their satisfactory range.  We have been added to the “unfunded” requests for resurfacing.
  14. There is a need to increase the dues by $50 for 2025. It will be voted on by the Board in November. The dues will be $625.
  15. New Business –
  16. Request for Volunteers -You do not have to be a Board member to serve on a committee.  It was suggested that we post our needs specifically on our FB page.
  17. Next Meeting – November 19th (the third Tuesday) Nomination and election of officers for 2025. Dates for 2025 events to be discussed.
  18.   Matteo came to ask questions about the lawn service we currently have. He is interested in submitting a bid to handle the lawn care. Mimo briefly explained what our current service provides. Central Scape is the name of his business.  We will need to make a decision by November 19 (the next board meeting) in order to get the contract signed for the first of the year.

Adjournment – President, Tom Edwards. Tom   Made the motion to adjourn; Donna Wissler    seconded.  Adjourned at 7:40PM